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The 13 Daily Habits in my Habit Journal

The 13 Daily Habits in my Habit Journal

Wash face Brush Teeth Deodorant Breakfast Vitamins Drink Water Exercise Meditate Pray Floss Read Write Manifest* (asterisk because I added it in the middle of the month)
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Monday Motivational 12/12/2022

Monday Motivational 12/12/2022

Why do I use a habit journal?It's simple: discipline & forming good habitsIf you're anything like me then you forget to take care of yourself. A few habits in my journal right now are: taking a daily vitamin, meditation, and reading at least one page of a book each day (progre
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Monday Motivational 12/5/2022

Monday Motivational 12/5/2022

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday not to who someone else is today.” -Jordan Peterson What if instead of trying to be the best you focused on being better than yesterday?
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Monday Motivational 11/14/2022

Monday Motivational 11/14/2022

What plans are you thinking big on? What small steps can you take to make progress towards that plan, today?
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