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The Importance of Tying Your Brand Identity to Your Website Design

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The Importance of Tying Your Brand Identity to Your Website Design

Think of your corporation as a person. Just like each individual has a unique personality, your brand must have an identity of its own!

Not only does this help potential customers set you apart from your competition, but it also helps you market yourself to communicate yourself to the public. Web designers will tell you the same buzzwords— “Do SEO, invest in good web design firms, etc.” But none tell you how to get you in the right direction.

We’re here to tell you about the importance of brand identity in your website design and how to implement it in your next project!

Defining Brand Identity

Brand identity is what sets your company apart from everybody else. Your brand identity is a set of visible design elements that people correlate with your company. Think of it as a form of pattern recognition that imprints your image into the mind of your customers.

When you see a golden arch— you think of Mcdonald’s. When you see certain colors, you associate them with a specific corporation. This is crucial, especially if you plan on eventually gaining as much relevance as the top brands in your respective fields!

The goal is to eventually shape a distinct image of what your corporation is to your customers and to get a sense of familiarity between you and your beloved patrons.

Brand Identity & Website Design

Before you search the internet and look for web design services, you must understand the importance of aligning your brand identity with your website design. Although this sounds fairly intuitive, it goes much deeper than just making people associate your brand with specific themes. Consistency also goes into why implementing your brand identity with your website!

Ask any design company, and they’ll tell you to make your website minimalistic, reduce the clutter, and make it visually accessible. But only a few will discuss making your website consistent with your current brand’s aesthetic and theme.

Ways You Can Create a Brand Identity Through Web Design

The most obvious thing you can do is use your pre-existing logo, but beyond that, you should also think about other factors you can implement into your web design that create a sense of familiarity with your brand. Using the same color scheme, typography, imagery, and navigation is only the tip of the iceberg!

Using and focusing on your company’s core message and values are also great ways to create familiarity with your customers.

Building Trust Through Web Design

Building brand trust is tantamount to creating long-term loyal customers who consistently recommend you to those around them! Trust is something that you build up through years of interactions between you and your customers. However, it’s also something that you can build through reliable and easily usable website design.

Consider the following website design solutions for your trust-building needs:

  • Creating clear and concise messaging
  • Using high-quality images and graphics
  • Implementing a web design review system and gathering testimonials
  • Creating a mobile-friendly website

Let’s focus on the last two since the rest are self-explanatory. Knowing that others have tried and tested your website goes a long way. Web design reviews systems and gathering testimonies from your customers are surefire ways to ensure your new customers feel safe using your services.

In the same breath, mobile-friendly websites are also crucial since most people tend to browse stores and websites on their handheld devices rather than in the confines of their desktops and laptops!

Creating Consistency

Don’t be a carbon copy of other companies. Look away from your competitor’s website and start telling your website designers to get you a new and original look! Copying your competitors will only make them go to the original more than the copy, and it’s crucial to have your own patent when it comes to running a sustainable business.

Low budget? You’d be surprised by how many firms provide affordable web design and small business web design, so there’s bound to be at least one that’s a perfect fit for your brand. There’s no one size fits all solution for this part— just go back to the drawing board and create a sleek and clean design that fits your current look!

Does Brand Identity Truly Impact Your Website Conversion?

Website conversion is how much visibility and traffic you get on your company’s digital website. Many people try to look up website design solutions and call these firms a scam when they don’t get the conversion rates they want.

News flash! That’s because your web design isn’t marketed and presented the same way as your physical store. If the vibes don’t match and they don’t recognize you, you’ll have trouble getting conversion rates up.

Brand identity helps impact your corporation’s trust, credibility, and optics to your potential customers!

We may sound like a broken record at this point, but implementing your brand’s identity in your website design or everything your corporation does is how you get customers flocking toward your services. Invest in a strong brand identity through your website designs today and watch your stocks and profits increase!

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