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Supporting SOAR: WillowCress Commitment to the Armenian Community

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Supporting SOAR: WillowCress Commitment to the Armenian Community


As a proud Armenian American, Benjamin Khachaturian, founder of WillowCress®, was quick to lend his support to the non-profit Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) when he was introduced to the organization through a family friend and fellow Armenian, Chuck, in the summer of 2022.

In early 2024, Chuck approached Benjamin with a request that would further deepen his involvement with SOAR. Chuck asked if Benjamin would volunteer to assist SOAR with various digital marketing needs. Without hesitation, Benjamin agreed, driven by his commitment to the Armenian community and his desire to make a positive impact.

Collaborative Efforts

Working closely with Susan Snavely at SOAR, Benjamin and the dedicated team at WillowCress® undertook several crucial projects. They designed postcards, addressed and resolved website bugs, and created advertisements for the annual gala. Each task was approached with a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to excellence.

Expanding Support

In July 2024, Susan reached out to Benjamin with another significant request. With SOAR’s hosting package set to renew, she inquired if WillowCress® could take on the hosting responsibilities for the eight websites within the SOAR organization, including their main site, www.soar-us.org. Once again, WillowCress® rose to the occasion, not only hosting the websites but also saving SOAR $600 annually. This substantial saving allows for more funds to be directed towards aiding Armenian orphans.

A Partnership Celebrated

The partnership between WillowCress® and SOAR has been met with resounding success and appreciation. Susan Snavely, Head of Marketing at SOAR, expressed her gratitude, stating, “We are thrilled and amazed with the hosting and the service/work WillowCress Consulting has provided our organization! We would highly recommend them to everyone.”

Join Us in Making a Difference

WillowCress® is proud to support SOAR and other organizations that make a meaningful difference in their communities. If you are looking for exceptional service and a dedicated team that values your mission, we invite you to become our next happy customer.

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